4 Ways Businesses Can Win More Insurance Restoration Roofing Jobs This Year

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

The insurance restoration roofing industry gets more competitive every year. In order to continue growing your business and beating out your competitors, your roofing business will need to adopt new tactics and tools. But with a little creativity, some planning, and the right technology, you can increase sales in 2021 and carve out your place in a competitive market. Here are four ways that your business can win more insurance restoration roofing jobs this year.

Win More Insurance Restoration Roofing Jobs With These Four Strategies

#1: Shorten Your Lead Follow-Up Time

Sometimes, getting ahead of your competitors is just a matter of getting there first. After a weather event, homeowners often reach out to several contractors to get a better understanding of who can help fix their roof damage, and many different insurance restoration companies may be canvassing in the same area. Responding to inquiries in a timely manner and following up right away with homeowners you spoke to while canvassing will position you as the clear choice for repairing storm damage.

Having tools to keep your leads organized will help you follow up with them more quickly. A roofing software system like AccuLynx gives you a single place to store your information, so it’s easy to assign, sort and access all your leads. On your personalized AccuLynx dashboard, you’ll be able to see the number of leads in your pipeline at a glance. Each lead will have its own electronic file with all the associated information, so everyone on your team can find what they need without the hassle.

AccuLynx can also help you automate follow-up messages to leads, saving you time and ensuring that no one falls through cracks. With our Automation Manager, you can set up text messages or emails that will automatically send whenever a certain condition is met, such as when a lead is added to AccuLynx or assigned to a sales rep. You can customize the message contents, brand it with your logo, set up the triggers for sending the message—then sit back and have confidence that your leads will receive a message from you in a timely manner.

#2: Help Homeowners Navigate the Insurance Process

As an insurance restoration roofing contractor, you’re an expert in the insurance claims process. But most of the homeowners you’ll work with will be submitting a claim for the first time. They likely have many questions about the process and may even be struggling to file the claim. By acting as a resource for the homeowners you speak to, you’ll gain their trust—and make it more likely they’re willing to work with you.

insurance restoration roofing jobs

When you speak to a homeowner who you’re trying to turn into a customer, don’t just focus on pitching your company or selling a particular solution to their roofing damage. Try one of these tactics to position yourself as a trusted guide through the insurance claims process:

  • Ask them if they have any questions about how the process works
  • Give them a step-by-step walkthrough of what happens when they submit a claim
  • Create a leave-behind document to help them keep track of what they need to file a claim
  • Sit with them as they file the claim—or offer to file it yourself

Offering these services to homeowners can go a long way to convincing them to work with you. It will also help you establish a reputation as an expert in insurance restoration contracting.

#3: Put Together Estimates Efficiently and Accurately

Estimates are a key component of convincing homeowners that your company is the right choice for repairing storm damage. Putting together a professional, accurate estimate in a timely manner will help you close deals, free up time for you to focus on sales, and make the rest of the insurance restoration process much smoother for you and your customer.

Video: Deliver Quick, Accurate Estimates with AccuLynx

With a roofing software system like AccuLynx, you can create an estimate in just a few minutes without compromising accuracy. AccuLynx integrates with EagleView and SkyMeasure, so you can order aerial measurement reports right from our platform and use the results to automatically populate a digital estimate. With our SmartDocs feature, you can also autofill your estimate with the homeowner’s information. And once the estimate is completed, you can get it in front of the homeowner right away by sending it electronically. Creating estimates in AccuLynx improves their accuracy by eliminating the need for double data entry and makes the process more efficient by bringing all the steps together in one platform. Building these fast, precise estimates gives you a competitive advantage and helps you attract more customers.

insurance restoration roofing jobs

#4: Run a Referral Campaign

Establishing trust with the homeowner is an essential part of winning insurance restoration roofing jobs. For this reason, referrals and word of mouth marketing can be particularly effective for insurance restoration companies. Tapping into the networks of past and current customers can help you find new customers who are already inclined to trust you. In addition, encouraging positive reviews from satisfied customers can help you present a trustworthy image to homeowners doing research online.

Kick off this year by running a campaign to encourage referrals and reviews from customers. Contact past and current customers to ask them if they would be willing to write you a review on one of your review sites or refer a friend or family member to your business. You can even offer a small incentive, such as a gift card or a discount on a future service. Reminding customers of the great work you did for them and offering something in return goes a long way towards generating more reviews and referrals.

Roofing software like AccuLynx can help you find past customers that would be good candidates for this campaign. Since all jobs in AccuLynx are tagged by milestone, you can easily look at information from completed jobs, identify customers to contact, and refresh your memory of the work you did for them. You can even use AccuLynx to contact these customers via email or text message, so that all your interactions with them are saved and tracked in the software system. Not only will this keep you from contacting the same customer twice, it will provide you helpful data about the success of your referral or review campaign so you can make decisions about running a similar campaign in the future.

Growing Your Insurance Restoration Roofing Business

Filling your pipeline with great leads and turning more of those leads into customers will help your insurance restoration roofing business grow in 2021. When you focus on timely follow-up, great customer service, and expanding your network of contacts, you’ll simplify the process of winning more jobs—especially with the help of roofing software like AccuLynx.

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