Tips for Roofing Lead Generation During the Offseason

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

In the late fall and winter, business is often slower for roofing companies. Without as much work coming in, every lead your roofing business generates takes on a new importance. But keeping your lead pipeline filled during the offseason can be a challenge. How can you improve your lead generation and follow up with leads effectively so your business has a productive and profitable off-season? Here are a few strategies for better roofing lead generation this winter.

roofing lead generation

4 Ways to Enhance Your Roofing Lead Generation This Offseason

#1: Improve Your Digital Presence

In today’s world, a strong digital presence is essential for attracting new customers. Most homeowners do online research before calling a contractor or making a decision about a repair, so your website, social media profiles, and Google My Business listing will give potential customers their first impressions of your business. Taking the time to strengthen your digital presence and make sure your information is up to date will help you generate more qualified leads during the offseason.

When your business has a lot of work coming in, it can be easy to forget about maintaining your online presence, so the offseason is the perfect time to make improvements. A few simple tasks can make a big difference in the way your business is perceived by customers doing online research:

  • Make sure your contact information is up to date everywhere
  • Use the keyword “roofing contractor” in your website’s title, image descriptions, and text on the homepage to help your business get found in search
  • Add new photos and customer stories to your social media profiles
  • Respond to reviews on Yelp, HomeAdvisor, or other review sites

Every lead counts during the offseason, and improving your digital presence will help you draw those leads to your business.

Read: Roofing Marketing Strategies to Generate More Leads

#2: Run a Campaign to Get Referrals or Repeat Business

Your past customers can be a great source for more business, whether through referrals to their personal networks or through using your business for further repairs. During the offseason, you can take advantage of these connections to gain more leads.

Sometimes, reaching out to past customers to check in on the work you did for them and answer any questions they have will encourage them to use your business a second time. However, running a campaign to promote referrals and repeat business can be very effective for roofing lead generation. For instance, you could contact past customers and offer a special deal or discount for any additional repairs or new work done. You could also offer an incentive, like a gift card, to any past customer who refers a new customer to you.

If you use roofing business management software, such as AccuLynx, contacting past customers to offer deals or incentives is a simple process. All your information about past jobs is stored in the cloud-based system, so you can easily find details about former customers and the work you did for them. And when you email these past customers through AccuLynx, all emails are saved to the corresponding job file, making it easy to keep track of who has responded to the campaign.

roofing lead generation

#3: Don’t Neglect Your Other Trades

During your busiest times of year, your focus is likely on roof repair and replacement, since these jobs bring the most profit to your roofing business. But when business is slower, other trades such as siding, gutters, or painting can become important revenue drivers for your business. Targeting potential customers who need work done in these trades can help you generate more leads during a slow offseason.

If you offer multiple trades and are wondering which one to target for a canvassing or marketing campaign, it can be helpful to look at data from the past year. Using the reporting features in AccuLynx, you can generate a report of your most profitable jobs by trade. With the data in this report, you can identify which trades to prioritize when it comes to pursuing or following up with leads. Highlighting these trades and using them to generate leads can help you fill your lead pipeline even when business is slow.

#4: Follow Up Promptly

When leads are coming in more slowly, it’s more essential than ever to make sure you follow up with each and every one of them in a timely, professional manner. Prompt lead follow-up will help you close more deals, provide better customer service, and weed out leads that are not a good fit for your roofing business.

Free Download: 3 Roofing Email Templates to Level Up Your Customer Service

AccuLynx gives roofing contractors the tools they need to simplify lead follow-up and make sure no leads fall through the cracks. With our Automation Manager, you can create automated follow-up emails that are sent whenever a lead is added to the system, helping you reach out to leads quickly without adding more work to your plate. You can also create automated tasks to remind sales team members that they need to call or meet with a particular lead. AccuLynx also helps you keep your leads organized. Using our digital job files, all the information about a lead stays in one place and is easily accessible, helping you keep track of which leads have been followed up with and ensuring every member of your team has the information they need about your leads.

Give Your Roofing Lead Generation a Boost This Off-Season

If your roofing business slows down during the fall and winter, the leads you generate are crucial. Optimizing your digital presence, soliciting referrals or repeat business with a special offer, promoting your other trades, and following up with leads in a timely manner can help you improve your roofing lead generation and ensure that your business has a full pipeline of potential customers.

roofing lead generation with software

Manage your roofing leads with the #1 software designed to help you grow. See a demo today.

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