Roofing Success Podcast: Using Technology to Survive & Thrive

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How to Use Roofing Technology to Survive and Thrive During a Crisis

Two new challenges are being presented to the roofing industry: limiting physical contact and increasing digital flexibility. With these unprecedented difficulties, many are wondering:

  • How do roofers manage working remotely?
  • What should roofers be focusing on right now to keep business moving during this time of crisis?
  • What can roofers do to prepare for the future and establish a competitive advantage?

Lynn Foster, Director of Operations at AccuLynx, sat down with Jim Ahlin of the Roofer Marketers to discuss how roofers are managing the hurdles being thrown at them in the wake of coronavirus. During this episode, Lynn and Jim dive deep into how roofing contractors can navigate the switch to digital to ensure their roofing business is not only surviving but also thriving during these uncertain times.

Continue reading for a summary of the Roofing Success Podcast: How To Use Technology To Survive During The Coronavirus Crisis And Thrive Beyond The Crisis or listen on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube or Google Play.

How are you seeing roofers increase their flexibility during this coronavirus crisis?

Lynn: AccuLynx does two main things: organizes your roofing business and helps you communicate better. In a time of crisis, you have to be organized as you have very little opportunity to get in front of the homeowner. When you do get in front of them, you need to have all your ducks in a row.

How do you communicate with people during this time? Communication could be a Zoom, FaceTime, or video call to show them photos or an estimate without seeing you face-to-face. Using automation tools within AccuLynx gives you the opportunity to better communicate with your customer.

“It’s important to rely on well-branded digital communications: a consistent message, clean formatting, professional proposals.”

What are you seeing roofing contractors move away from or move towards in terms of remote selling?

Lynn: In the past, most roofing contractors have tried to instill confidence with a well-branded truck or well-branded polo [shirts]. Now, you need to find a way to do that digitally. It’s important to rely on well-branded digital communications: a consistent message, clean formatting, professional proposals. All the ways you’re communicating with them [in these digital times] instill visual confidence.

Making it paperless and making frictionless is key. AccuLynx is making it as easy as possible to sell, produce and collect by shortening your sales cycle, production cycle, and your cash cycle. The only way to do these three things is to be organized and have great communication.

What other tools does AccuLynx have to help roofing contractors remain productive during these times of limited contact?

Lynn: AccuLynx has a multitude of features to keep you productive during these times. Most notably, our digital scheduler and the mobile Crew App will keep your roofing business running efficiently during times of limited contact.

The digital scheduler is our version of your in-office white board — Using this ensures you can run your roofing business remotely, the “white board” is just now on your computer. Features like this make it more productive when you’re apart.

The mobile Crew App eliminates the need for sales and crew to physically be at the office. The Crew App allows your team to see files, check-in, take pictures, make comments on the job and more — all within one place.

“[AccuLynx] will keep your roofing business running efficiently during times of limited contact.”

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What kind of training does AccuLynx have to get roofing contractor systems in place?

Lynn: When you first sign up for AccuLynx, you are assigned an implementor who will run you through a series of trainings. These trainings will help you set up your estimates and proposals, take your sales team through sales training, etc. This is a live, interactive training to ensure your team knows how to use the system.

Once your training is complete, AccuLynx has a multitude of online resources to help you best use the product. Whether it be through blog posts, webinars or our live tech support, AccuLynx provides you with the assistance you need to get your entire company up and running within the product in three weeks.

What can roofers do to prepare for the future and establish a competitive advantage?

Lynn: If I were in the industry as a contractor, right now, I would be working on my processes. There should be a process from the very beginning to the very end. If you don’t have this, sit down and create a comprehensive process — document it, use it and refine it.

Another item that you should be focusing on is your marketing plan moving forward. This is a great time for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. Use this “down time” to develop brand recognition and ensure customers know that you’re still around.Finally, make sure your messaging is correct for the time. Now is not the time for selling. Now is the time for education, information and reassurance.

Listen to the full episode here

Lynn Foster Director of Operations AccuLynx

Lynn Foster is the Director of Operations for AccuLynx, the #1 business management solution for Roofing Contractors. As the Director, he has collaborated with top industry professionals and technology partners to enhance the customer’s experience within the software, developing short and long term strategic plans based on marketplace analysis, as well as overseeing Sales, Systems Forecasting and Process Improvement.

His expertise in business development, financial planning, sales, and vertical marketing have directly led to continuous success in growing company revenue and profits, even during times of economic recession.

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