Let Your CRM Be Your MVP: Automate Your Organization with AccuLynx

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s the height of busy season, and your sales and office teams might be struggling to keep up with the influx of business that is pouring in. If you’re still relying on non-digital means of organization, you may feel as though you’re struggling to keep up and stay competitive in the market.

Having processes related to your business pre-set or automated by roofing software (or similar business management tool) not only saves you time, but can provide better organization, standardization and overall communication between your teams. According to Salesforce,

“…there are hundreds of smaller tasks that must be completed in order for everything to function properly. Forms need to be filled out, reports need to be sent, legal issues need to addressed – these ancillary chores are time consuming, yet vital aspect of the sales process”

Imagine if all those small tasks – data entry, reports, paperwork, scheduling – were all automatically completed and organized for you?

AccuLynx is integrated with and automates several key features to any roofing business so that your office, sales teams and crews can focus and not get bogged down by menial or time-consuming tasks.

Creating & Using Templates

Most companies already have a standard set of documents that are used consistently by different teams. These might be saved on a folder on your server, or on individual desktops.

A CRM isn’t going to reinvent the wheel when it comes to standardizing your paperwork – but it will give you a single location point to store and create these documents so they’re never lost or saved over. CRM’s like AccuLynx also provide access to these documents from your mobile device – so your teams always have access to your important documents.

Supplier Direct Ordering

AccuLynx material ordering templates integrate with suppliers’ product catalogs, and store your frequently ordered items, so you don’t need to find every specific line item with corresponding prices for every contract. The CRM will apply your previously specified pricing to a contract from your preferred supplier, letting you automatically create documents quickly and efficiently.

According to Information Age,

“When your sales team are in the middle of a crucial touchpoint throughout a customer’s journey, having on-the-go access to all customer inventory and orders alongside product and pricing information will assist in closing deals more efficiently – they must have up-to-date data during the interaction, not afterwards.”

A Step Further – SmartDocs with eSign

AccuLynx has an added additional templating functionality for our customers. SmartDocs with eSign is an add-on feature that will take your templates and make them “smart” – pulling customer data from the Job File and automatically filling out form fields such as Name, Address, Phone Number and any additional information the document requires – without you or your sales rep needing to manually enter the information.

The SmartDocs feature also allows for a secure eSignature feature that you can add onto any document. Your sales reps can have customers sign directly from their mobile device in the field, or email packets of documents, that once signed, are automatically returned to the Job File with a notification.

This automation means you no longer have to chase down signatures, check with reps to see what their paperwork status is, or stress over a lost document – everything is all connected and accessible within your Job File.

Roofing Measurement Integrations

AccuLynx has integration partnerships with EagleView and SkyMeasure – two of the highest rated roofing measurement companies on the market. When you order measurements from either company, the integration automatically populates the numbers into your Estimate Documents, and saves the documentation in your Job File.

Accounting Integration

AccuLynx has a QuickBooks integration feature, that allows your office or accounting staff to track financial data to individual Jobs within your CRM. No one has to switch back and forth between programs to enter and re-enter when an invoice is submitted or paid – it’s automatically shares between the two, so you always know your billing status and can see where your company’s money is at any time.

Manage Your Calendar

You might already be using a Google shared calendar to keep track of your crews and sales reps schedules. Through AccuLynx, you can link those calendars directly into the application, so you can set appointments that will automatically alert people in the field, and allow them to set labor crew schedules without having to exit or switch between applications.

Photo Editing & Sharing

The AccuLynx platform has it’s own Photo App tools, that allow you to take, edit, annotate, share and store photos for every job in order. Share inspection or damage photos with the crew or your foreman before work begins, document the progress, and share final results with your customer – all within the app. No need to switch back and forth – your photos are stored in the Job File, so everything is kept all together and archived for reference.

When all of your documentation, photos, schedules and finances are in one, easily accessible CRM location, you will be amazed at how much more organized, efficient and profitable you can be.

We’re the Roofing industry’s #1 software. AccuLynx is designed to help contractors see their business more clearly and communicate better — there’s nothing to download or install — you just log in and get to work.

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