3 Ways Roofing Software Can Enhance Visibility During High-Volume Months

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

When a hurricane or other severe weather strikes, it’s unavoidable that everyone in your roofing company, from office staff to crews, will face an increased workload. While this can benefit your company in terms of more jobs and more revenue, it can also stretch your team thin to the point where miscommunication and preventable errors may arise.

Roofing software like AccuLynx allows you to gain visibility into your business performance and stay organized so you’ll be prepared for an influx of jobs well before a major storm hits. Here are 3 ways your company can use roofing software to manage a higher volume of work effectively and keep your teams on the same page.

AccuLynx reporting tools.

1. Understand your business performance with reporting

To gain a deeper understanding of your business performance and see where you can improve, it is essential to focus on specific metrics. By analyzing key reports, you can easily see where leads are originating from, which leads are more likely to convert to sales, and which members of your sales team are achieving the highest close rates.

With Acculynx’s ReportsPlus reporting feature, you can streamline these processes and better understand your business’s performance. Here are three reports within AccuLynx that can enhance visibility during your high-volume months:

  1. The Time in Process report tracks the number of days it takes for a lead to move through each stage of the pipeline, by the salesperson. This makes it easy to pinpoint inefficient process areas and strategize solutions.
  2. The Closing Percentage report shows you the percentage of leads that close, broken down by sales representative. This will help identify underperformers on your team and enable you to address their performance by implementing strategies for future success.
  3. The Profitability report breaks down job profitability by salesperson and location. This enables you to forecast which jobs are likely to be most profitable for your business and avoid projects that will not be worth the investment.

By utilizing reports like these, you can ensure that when a storm hits, you are deploying your A-team and maximizing their efficiency to the fullest extent. These reports will also help you identify which projects are worth pursuing when you have a large influx of leads.

AccuLynx Job File

2. Keep track of important information with job files

As the number of jobs increases, it can become challenging to keep track of everything that’s going on within your business. Having a reliable way to save and access essential job information is crucial to help you and your teams stay up-to-date and reduce errors.

With the AccuLynx job file, you can keep all the information that pertains to a specific job, including communication records, job estimates, and material orders, in one centralized, cloud-based location. This allows for seamless project monitoring and easy access to all relevant details helping you to stay on track and avoid mistakes.

Laptop displaying the AccuLynx Production Calendar

3. Stay organized with a production calendar

The production process involves a lot of moving parts, and with the flurry of activities that come with the busy season, it can be challenging to keep up with everything. Using a production calendar to manage appointments and deliveries is critical to keeping track of the necessary details and making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

AccuLynx’s production tools simplify the task of tracking your roofing crews and their availability, making job scheduling and rescheduling a breeze while ensuring that both your teams and the homeowners are always kept informed. Additionally, with AccuLynx’s Material Supplier integrations, you can easily track and manage your material ordering with features that allow you to:

  • See a real-time catalog of available products with your specific account pricing, right in AccuLynx
  • Submit material orders with just a few clicks
  • Get real-time order updates delivered to your AccuLynx job file

Production tools help you stay organized and communicate more effectively during periods of increased job volume. Ensuring you make the most of your busy season.

Download the Tip Sheet: 6 Busy Season Time Savers

In this one-page guide, we cover 6 of the top time-saving features Acculynx has to offer, from getting paid quicker to enhancing your communication with crews and homeowners.

How roofing software can help you thrive during busy season

As roofing companies prepare for the inevitable surge in work that follows a major storm, it’s crucial to have a strategy in place to manage the increased workload effectively. Leveraging roofing software such as AccuLynx can provide significant benefits, enabling you to stay organized, improve communication, and gain deeper insight into your business performance.

If you’d like to learn more about these helpful tools in AccuLynx, as well as the rest of our great features, you can schedule a demo here.

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