How Roofing Software Can Help Grow Your Business in 2020

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

As the year winds down, you’re starting to think about your business goals for 2020. How can you build on the success you had in 2019 and continue to grow? What will make your business more efficient and profitable in the new year? Are there any new strategies or tools that can benefit your business? Answering these questions is key to planning well for 2020. One way to set yourself up for a bigger and better 2020 is to start using roofing software to manage your business.

Read: How Roofing Software Helps Small Contractors Compete Like Big Businesses

A roofing software system is more than just another application—it’s a tool that can make a powerful impact on all aspects of your work, from estimates to deliveries to accounting. Here are a few ways that software for roofing companies can help you be more profitable and productive in the coming year.

Visualizing Your Business Performance

One key to continued growth is evaluating business performance on a regular basis. The more often you’re able to check in with trends and visualize the health of your business, the easier it will be to make adjustments and determine the best way to continue growing. It’s important to understand more than just the basic metrics of your roofing business performance. The most effective roofers keep tabs on many different business details in order to identify opportunities for growth.

roofing software helps you visualize your business

Roofing software like AccuLynx offers a way to keep track of KPIs and see business performance at a glance. With reporting dashboards, monthly and yearly trends are visible at the click of a button. You can view top-line metrics and drill down into the details of the business. With the ReportsPlus feature on AccuLynx, you can go further and create custom reports that focus on the metrics that are most important to you. You can also schedule reports to be automatically sent to your email. Not only will you be able to clearly see how your roofing company is performing, automating the process will help you stay on top of KPIs even when you’re busy.

Reducing Time Spent on Admin Tasks

If you could spend less time on any aspect of your business, what would you pick? Many roofers would say their administrative tasks. Having to chase after paperwork, manage files, enter data, and other tasks like these can take up a lot of time—time that roofing business owners would like to use on other components of their jobs.

One of the many benefits of roofing software like AccuLynx is the ability to automate or reduce many of these small administrative tasks. For example, AccuLynx can integrate with QuickBooks, syncing your accounting data between both applications. This eliminates the need for double data entry and allows you to view your payments in the software. AccuLynx also integrates with ABC Supply, so you can order your materials directly from the platform without having to call your branch. By utilizing integrations and other software features, you’ll have the ability to take care of important administrative tasks more quickly, leaving more time for other parts of your roofing business.

Generating More Accurate Estimates

An inaccurate estimate can be a major detriment to your business. When your estimates have errors, it can mean discrepancies in labor and material costs, lost revenue, delays in work, and other difficulties. Making sure your estimates are accurate is an important part of satisfying your customers and helping your revenue continue to grow.

Read: 3 Tricks for Faster Estimates with Roofing Software

The AccuLynx roofing software platform includes an estimating tool that automates and streamlines the process. When you create an estimate in AccuLynx, you can use your preferred supplier’s pricing to automatically populate your document with accurate information. You can adjust your profit margin at the click of a mouse. You can save previous estimates as templates and use them again, keeping you from having to re-enter data when you make a new estimate. This all adds up to easier, faster estimates with improved accuracy.

In addition, AccuLynx offers an integration with EagleView and GAF QuickMeasure, so you can order aerial measurements directly and populate your estimates with these measurements. Having more precise measurements for your roofing jobs means that your material orders and labor costs can be calculated more accurately as well. The more you can estimate costs with efficiency and precision, the easier it will be to deliver great customer service, grow revenue, and complete more roofing jobs.

get demo of roofing software

Get Demo: Schedule a demo to see how AccuLynx roofing software can benefit your business

Roofing software has many powerful benefits for business owners. With platforms like AccuLynx, you gain the ability to achieve a greater understanding of business performance, cut down on time spent doing administrative tasks, and deliver more accurate estimates. As you think about how to grow your business in 2020, consider adopting a roofing software platform to help you stay organized and efficient. It’s one of the best investments you can make in the success of your roofing business—for 2020 and beyond.

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