How to Crisis-Proof Your Business With Roofing CRM Software

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

If there’s one lesson that 2020 has taught the roofing industry, it’s that you can’t predict what a year will bring. Major global crises like COVID-19 are rare, but your business might encounter unexpected situations on a smaller scale at any time. Is there a way to “crisis-proof” your business so that you’re prepared for whatever happens?

While you can’t anticipate every single crisis that could possibly occur, the right tools can help your roofing business navigate any situation—even the most unexpected ones. Storm damage software is one tool that can equip your business for whatever the future brings. Here are a few ways that storm damage software can help you deal with crises big and small.

On-Demand Webinar: How the Roofing Industry is Adapting to Coronavirus

How Roofing CRM Software Can Help You Handle Crises

Secure, Accessible Information

One of the most convenient features of storm damage software is its ability to store your information in a single, easily accessible location. For instance, in AccuLynx, all your documents, photos, messages, and other information are stored on the software platform in digital job files. As long as they have an internet connection, your team members can access these job files from anywhere and make updates in real time. Your information will stay safe and secure, and won’t be at risk for loss or physical damage the way it would with paper job files.

During times of crisis, this accessibility becomes essential. Teams need to stay up to date on information that may be changing quickly, as well as view job details no matter where they are. Your employees may be scattered in different locations, or you may have staff turnover. Having a single place where all job details can be safely stored and updated quickly will keep everyone in your business on the same page.

In addition, storing your information in a storm damage software system can help prevent a crisis caused by lost or damaged documents. You can trust that your information is safe and secure, as well as accurate and up to date.

roofing crm software

Tools for Strong Communication

In a crisis, clear and prompt communication is essential. Your customers and teams need to know what to expect, whether anything has changed, and how you are responding to the crisis. If you have robust, easy-to-use communication systems in place, you’ll be able to reassure your customers and team members while keeping everyone in the loop.

Storm damage software like AccuLynx helps simplify and streamline communication. In AccuLynx, you can create professional-looking emails with our templates, helping you provide strong customer service at all times. AccuLynx also offers two-way text messaging, so you can communicate important information quickly using a preferred method of contact. You can even set up automated messages in AccuLynx that are triggered based on events in the software, such as a text notification to a customer if you change the date of their appointment. And all messages sent through AccuLynx are saved to their respective job files, so you can easily keep track of what has been said and who has been contacted. When unexpected situations arise, your storm damage software will help you communicate clearly, quickly and effectively with your customers and team members.

roofing crm software

Efficient Processes

Relying on storm damage software to manage your business helps you standardize your processes. Take estimating, for example. Without a software, each member of your team might produce their estimates a little differently. The estimating templates might be stored in a way that makes it hard for some people to access. And you might use a few different apps for ordering aerial measurements, calculating material amounts, producing the estimates, and sending the estimates for approval. But with a CRM like AccuLynx, everything you need to produce an estimate is located within one system, from integrations with aerial measurement providers to electronic document delivery capabilities. Your team members will have a single, standardized and efficient way to create all their estimates, and the estimates they create will be stored in the software system for future reference.

Read: How to Optimize Your Business with Roofing Technology Trends

When a crisis hits, having these standardized, efficient processes can help your business keep moving forward. You can focus your energy on adapting to the crisis and making the changes you need to make, because your processes will continue to run smoothly. With storm damage software, you can rest assured that you’ll still be able to serve your customers effectively and complete your jobs, no matter what happens.

Storm Damage Software to Face Whatever the Future Brings

Crises are never easy to face, even with good plans in place. But when you rely on roofing CRM software like AccuLynx, you can deal with crises head-on—without disrupting your business model.

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