3 Reports to Help Contractors Better Understand Roofing Lead Performance

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Depending on your marketing and sales strategy, roofing leads can come from many sources, such as your website, canvassing, and referrals. Knowing which sources generate the best leads can help you determine how and where to allocate your company’s time and money for further lead generation.

AccuLynx has over 20 pre-built reports that can help you track and analyze many aspects of your roofing business, including lead generation and sales performance.

Here are 3 reports you can use to better understand your roofing lead performance and drive greater business growth.

Report #1 – Marketing Spend

The marketing spend report in AccuLynx allows you to analyze where your roofing leads are coming from, the cost per lead, and the return on investment (ROI) for your marketing efforts. Knowing this information can help you make more informed decisions about how and where to spend your marketing dollars to help create more business.

For example, suppose you want to compare the effectiveness of two different marketing programs, such as social media and customer referrals. In that case, you can run the marketing spend report to see how much you spend for each program, how many leads it produces, and how many of those leads your sales team closes.

If you discover that customer referrals bring in far more leads with a higher ROI than social media, your company can put more time, effort, and money into your referral program and spend less time on social media so you can get the most out of your marketing.

Report #2 – Closing Percentage Report

Understanding the rate at which your sales team members are selling new jobs is key to assessing your team’s performance. With the closing percentage report, you will see the percentage of your roofing leads sold broken down by the sales representative, easily discovering who is selling more deals and who may need a little help.

If one salesperson’s closing percentage dips below a specific rate or isn’t doing as well as you would like, you can meet with them and discuss a course of action to adjust their strategy or set them up with a higher-performing team member as a mentor.

In addition, knowing who on your team is better at selling can help you better allocate the leads coming in. For example, maybe you are getting a high amount of referral leads with high earning potential for your company. Giving these leads to a higher-performing salesperson could help increase the likelihood of closing the deal.

Report #3 – Roofing Job Profitability

Even if you are closing a high percentage of the roofing jobs you bring in, it is important to assess which of these leads are the most profitable for the company. Knowing how your current leads and jobs are performing can help identify and generate future roofing leads that have a high chance of converting to profitable jobs.

The job profitability report in AccuLynx is a great tool to assess your job’s performances and use that data to forecast and project your future profitability. This report breaks down profitability by salesperson and location to help you understand where your most profitable jobs are coming from. You can also see a breakdown of your profitability by trade, so that you can analyze your performance across all areas of your business. You can use this information to identify gaps in your margins and adjust your sales process and marketing efforts accordingly to improve those margins.

How to Increase Your Roofing Leads with AccuLynx

Reporting is an essential aspect of your business that helps you track your performance throughout the year. Using reports regularly can help you make adjustments to your sales strategy in real time and keep your business on the path to greater growth. Learn more about AccuLynx reporting in this short video or schedule a demo to see AccuLynx in action.

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