4 Ways to Generate Roofing Leads From Your Community

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

In the competitive roofing industry, finding different ways to generate leads is crucial for your business growth. This blog explores 4 unexpected, yet highly effective ways you can fill your lead pipeline from within your community. From tapping into niche markets to leveraging modern technology like AccuLynx, we’ll show you how to expand your reach and stay ahead of the competition.

When looking for roofing lead generation ideas, don’t rule out:

  1. Local business collaborations
  2. Homeowners Associations
  3. Community engagement
  4. Educational workshops

Collage of photos showing different places you can find roofing leads in your community.

1. Local business collaborations

While the roofing industry may be competitive, collaborating with industry professionals that work in other trades can help you generate roofing leads. Consider building referral connections with:

  • Interior designers: Someone who is upgrading the inside of their house may also be interested in the exterior. An interior designer could refer them to your business to help bring their vision to life.
  • Architects: An architect may be looking for a roofing company they can rely on to implement their design.
    New construction companies/home builders: They may look to contract with roofing companies with more experience and can install roofs more quickly. You also have access to a wider variety of roofing materials and can provide more options beyond basic shingles.
  • Landscapers: Homeowners may rely on landscapers weekly to mow the grass, trim bushes, or pick weeds. Since landscapers spend a lot of time around the property, they are well-positioned to spot any damage to the siding or gutters. They can recommend your services to the homeowner.
  • Pest control companies: Similar to landscapers, a pest control worker will spend time outside a home and may even go on the roof. If they find damage, they can inform the homeowner and recommend your business.
  • Realtors or home inspectors: When someone is buying a house, the property will go through a full inspection, including their roof. Building a connection with a local realtor can lead to them referring buyers to your company for any necessary roof repairs.

It’s important for you to have a formal roofing referral system in place. Create a structured referral agreement outlining mutual benefits and incentives for each successful referral. Regular communication and tracking of referrals will ensure the system runs smoothly and benefits all parties involved.

2. Homeowners associations

Connecting with HOAs is a great opportunity to generate roofing leads. While they can be more complex to work with than an individual homeowner because of strict HOA roofing guidelines and longer approval processes, they can yield great benefits.

If you finish a job on a home in a HOA or are just canvassing, you should consider asking to be added to their preferred contractor list. HOAs want to work with companies that they know and trust. This could result in your company receiving most future roofing leads within the HOA neighborhood.

Some key ways to build a connection with a HOA are to:

  • Fully understand their requirements and maintain compliance.
  • Provide proposals that describe the project in great detail.
  • Effectively communicate with them before, during, and after projects.
  • Offer potential discounts on additional trades you provide.

A long-term relationship is beneficial for you and the HOA—you generate more roofing leads and they have one go-to roofing contractor for their entire community.

Two women that work for a roofing company volunteering at a charity drive they are sponsoring.

3. Community engagement

Any-sized roofing business should try using community engagement for roofing lead generation. Staying active in the community with sponsorships is a great way to get your company name in front of large groups of people. To increase your residential roofing leads, considering sponsoring:

  • Charity drives: This is an opportunity for you to show that your company values align with the community.
  • Sports teams: Many little league teams and organizations need business sponsors to operate. They often have the sponsor’s name on their jerseys—like walking billboards for your business.
  • Community events: Attend or sponsor these events to give you a chance to talk face-to-face with homeowners. This may include community festivals, home & garden shows, farmers markets, and parades.

You can also expand your community engagement by maintaining a strong social media presence. For example, having active social profiles can help you get roofing leads on Facebook and other sites. Many communities have Facebook groups dedicated to local residents where members frequently ask for recommendations and advice on various topics. By actively participating in these groups, providing valuable information, and responding to queries, you can position yourself as the go-to roofing company for the community. This proactive approach not only increases your visibility but also builds trust and credibility among potential customers.

4. Educational workshops

The average homeowner may not know much about their roof except that they have one on top of their house. Consider hosting an educational workshop for community members to attend in person or through an online webinar. This is an easy way to inform homeowners on topics like:

  • Proper roof maintenance
  • When/how to know you need a roof repair or replacement
  • The pros and cons of different roofing systems
  • What to expect with a typical roofing project

Keeping the workshop educational will help build trust with homeowners and make them feel comfortable choosing your company. If your company provides insurance restoration work, consider walking homeowners through what the process is like. This can help boost your future insurance restoration leads.

The AccuLynx Marketing Report showing the different lead sources for a roofing company.

Manage all of your roofing leads in AccuLynx

AccuLynx makes it easy to manage all of your roofing leads no matter where they come from. You can effortlessly see the source of each lead and use our custom AI tool, Lead Intelligence, to visually assess lead quality. Additionally, AccuLynx offers robust reporting tools to help you get the most out of your roofing leads. Two reports in AccuLynx you can use are:

  • The Lead Source Report: Identify where your leads originate and their contribution to total revenue. Get insights on the total number of leads, the percentage that converted into prospects, and the percentage that closed. You can easily navigate each lead/job with a dropdown menu for each source.
  • The Market Spend Report: Break down your marketing expenses, lead sources, and ROI for each. Customize AccuLynx reports to track where your leads originate and how much you’re investing to acquire them.

These insights enable you to make more strategic business decisions on where to spend your money and where to pursue leads. If you notice your door hangers or yard signs didn’t generate the leads you were hoping for, you can cut that expense for the following year. But if you notice your educational workshops are flooding your lead pipeline, you may consider hosting more.

Schedule a demo of AccuLynx today to see how you can easily manage all of your leads, no matter where they come from.


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