The Advantages of Processing Payments Online Using AccuLynx

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

How you get paid for your services is an essential part of your business plan, and keeping your accounting error-free and on schedule is critical to running a successful roofing company. Collecting only checks or cash for payment can create delays and provide limitations for some customers. Further, if you have to input job-specific payments in multiple areas, you have a high chance of making errors simply from entering data in numerous places.

AccuLynx offers integrated payment processing features that help simplify payment collection, limit errors, and help get you paid faster. If you’re new to the idea of online payment processing, here are four key advantages AccuLynx’s payment processing feature, AccuPay, can bring to your roofing business.

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Secure payment collection

Collecting payments online can help speed up the payment process exponentially. Gone are the days when you had to collect checks or cash and go to a bank before seeing the funds in your account. While you can still collect payment this way, AccuPay provides a way for you to collect payments online through a reliable and secure payment processing website, allowing you to access the funds more quickly.

AccuPay uses the largest payment processor in the world to provide reliable and secure payment processing for roofing contractors. You won’t have to worry about your funds getting lost or misplaced; they will be in your account when you need them.

Payments automatically applied to the roofing job

Staying organized with payments, especially when multiple jobs are happening simultaneously, can be difficult. By utilizing AccuPay, you can keep your payments organized by job, which will help your business run more smoothly throughout all seasons.

Since AccuPay is a part of AccuLynx, payments are automatically applied to a specific job once requested. Just input the job-specific information, and it will automatically apply to the related customer’s job record.

Increased visibility and tracking capabilities

Contractors lack visibility when they’re tracking cash or check payments. You may have multiple sales people picking up checks or cash and only sometimes know where the money really is. By digitizing how you collect payments, you can speed up the payment process while increasing visibility into what is happening with your job payments and when.

AccuLynx’s online payment processing features give you a better pulse on what is happening with your money. Once a payment is requested, you can track the requests within the customer’s job file and see all your received and outstanding payments in one place. AccuPay allows you to set up notifications to alert you once a payment is made, so you’re always in the loop with what is happening.

Laptop with the AccuLynx lynx head logo plus the QuickBooks logo, representing their integration

Automatic sync with your QuickBooks account

By digitizing how you collect payments, you can speed up the payment process and eliminate errors from entering account information in multiple areas — especially if you are a QuickBooks user. AccuPay payment processing links up directly with your QuickBooks account, so when an entry is made in AccuLynx, it will automatically sync up with QuickBooks — and vice versa. This helps speed up the payment process and your accounting while also helping eliminate errors due to input data in multiple areas.

Tip for AccuLynx customers

In order to use AccuPay, you’ll need to provide specific documentation to be approved as a merchant. Once you are approved, you can start requesting and receiving payments immediately. If you have any questions, you can reach out to your customer success manager at

Learn more about AccuLynx and roofing software features that will save you time

AccuLynx’s payment processing tools can help you better manage your accounting and speed up how you get paid for your roofing jobs. AccuPay is only one of the timesaving tools within AccuLynx that can help your roofing business. You can set up a demo with our expert sales team today to learn more about the rest of the tools that can help your roofing company succeed.

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