3 Ways Aerial Roofing Measurements Can Give Your Business an Advantage During Storm Season

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Storm season is here! And every storm that blows through your area has the potential to land you more jobs and the opportunity to make more money. Roofing businesses with the right processes, like using aerial roofing measurements, and staff in place are perfectly positioned to take advantage of high-production markets after the storms.

Sales teams that utilize a combination of business management software and aerial roofing measurements are even more likely to close more deals, thanks to improved planning, time savings, and more accurate material ordering.

Residential aerial roofing measurements.

Using aerial roofing measurements to quickly identify new business

Immediately after a storm, roofing companies have the ability to virtually canvass a neighborhood before they even send a salesman to a customer’s door. By pre-ordering aerial roofing measurements for a neighborhood with known damage from trusted suppliers like EagleView and GAF QuickMeasure, your teams can skip the homes that survived the worst and go immediately to those that suffered the most.

You can store these reports in your AccuLynx Job Files for future reference or import them directly into roofing estimates. This way, your sales teams will be ready to answer questions, show homeowners the damages, and have documentation ready to sign.

Man ordering aerial roofing measurements through AccuLynx.

Integrating your reports with a software platform saves you time and helps close the deal

It may be expensive to pre-order aerial roofing measurement reports for homes you haven’t sold yet, but the impact on your book of business and the time spent between sales visits is invaluable and often negates the initial investment.

Consider how long it takes for your sales teams to go from neighborhood to neighborhood, climb up on a roof to take measurements, talk to homeowners, and then order reports for individual properties. Your sales teams can drastically decrease the enormous amount of time spent on each potential sale by coming with accurate estimates, material costs, and a prepared contract in hand.

By securing aerial roofing measurement reports and contract documents before meeting with potential customers, your sales teams can use this data to appropriately assess individual properties, make notes on all areas of the home, and provide informed decisions to homeowners right away, without needing to “get back to them.”

5 Benefits of Paying for Aerial Roofing Measurement Reports

As a smaller business, you might not see the value in paying additional monthly fees for these measurements when you already pay qualified sales reps to do the job for you. However, you should consider all of the benefits that measurement companies can provide before you write off the cost as too expensive or unnecessary.

Accurate roof measurements mean accurate estimates & contracts

Roofers who pre-prepare their contract estimates with accurate aerial roofing measurement reports will find that they can reduce human error when it comes to calculating material costs that impact the final contract amount.

By knowing your exact measurements ahead of time, you can accurately order the materials you need and not waste time with miscalculations. Additionally, by completing contracts within a roofing CRM like AccuLynx, you can be sure that there is no miscommunication regarding shingle color or the number of nails you ordered.

If roofing companies lack a dependable software system to aid communication among their office teams, field staff, and managers, they run the danger of losing potential clients, being unprepared for home visits, and failing to promptly follow up with homeowners. This disorganization can potentially lose you the business to another more organized roofer.

AccuLynx is the most powerful tool for your roofing business. Simple-to-use software, industry-leading tools, and the best customer support — AccuLynx makes it easy to grow faster than your competition. To learn more about how AccuLynx can help you manage your business more effectively, schedule a quick, custom demo today.

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