What We Learned About the Roofing Industry at the International Roofing Expo 2020

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Recently, a large contingent from AccuLynx attended the 2020 International Roofing Expo (IRE). This trade show is the roofing industry’s largest event of the year, with thousands of professionals in attendance, and hundreds of opportunities to learn more about industry trends and tools. We spoke to many roofers about their experiences, showcased the powerful technology of AccuLynx, and helped brainstorm solutions for their pain points. It was a whirlwind week with plenty of great conversations and impactful insights into the roofing industry.

At IRE 2020, there was a lot to learn, and we took full advantage of it. From technology to customer service to outreach, we learned lots of things from our customers, other exhibitors, and the conference itself. In this blog post, some AccuLynx team members who attended IRE 2020 share their experiences and what they took away from their time at the conference, in their own words.

The Impact of Technology

Erica Lieb, Sales: “Roofing technology was everywhere at IRE 2020. From direct software solutions to measurement services to distributor apps, we saw lots of new technological innovations. The roofing industry is adapting technology in a big way, and it’s improving the way roofers do their work. And there are way more technology solutions available to roofers than ever before.”

Eric Bigalke, Sales: “As technology expands in the roofing industry, companies that have been slow to embrace technology in the past are starting to realize that they must adapt to stay competitive. One product manager we spoke to said, ‘Pulling out an iPad in a customer’s kitchen instantly sets ourselves apart from our competition.’ Roofers that use technology are at an advantage and demonstrate their technical prowess to their customers.”

Customers are Key

John Aikman, Customer Success: “IRE 2020 showed us the power of great customer service and outreach. Current AccuLynx customers visited our booth specifically to speak to the customer support agents and enablement specialists that have helped them use our software more effectively. They told us that the support we give them contributes to their success and makes their work better. We always knew that proactive, enthusiastic customer service is key to a great business, but IRE showcased just how profound an impact it can make.”

Jordann Donskey, Marketing: “At IRE 2020, we were reminded that current customers can be some of your biggest advocates. We met passionate customers of ours at the show who were eager to give their testimonials for our software, join our giveaways, and pitch us to their friends. It really showed that if you have a product or service that people love, they’ll share it with others, and that you should never overlook the power of word of mouth to help you generate new customers.”

A Thriving, Diversifying Industry

Katie Badeusz, Marketing: “At IRE 2020, we saw more women participating in the conference than in years past. The roofing industry has been historically male-dominated, but we’re starting to see women break into the industry, and lend their skills and expertise to make the roofing industry stronger. When the roofing industry gives women more opportunities to succeed, we’re all better for it.”

Tackling Challenges Together

Ben Sautter, Sales: “We talked to a lot of different roofers at IRE 2020. Although they had a variety of experiences and were doing business in a variety of contexts, they all had one thing in common: they each have business challenges that impact their work every single day. One of the reasons we’re committed to making AccuLynx a great product is to help roofers like these solve their most pressing challenges and do better work than ever before.”

IRE is a Powerful Resource for Roofers

Michelle Mittelman, Marketing: “Roofers at IRE 2020 got invaluable opportunities to network with other roofers. Whether at a Happy Hour, after a training session, or on the show floor, being able to talk to other roofers face to face, exchange ideas, and hear how others are addressing their pain points is incredibly helpful. Don’t miss out on a chance to connect with other roofers when you get one. You never know when you’ll find a new solution!”

Will Olson, Sales: “Roofers who have never come to IRE should consider attending next year. It’s a valuable resource for them in so many areas. At IRE, you can learn from the sharpest minds in the industry, compare best practices, and build relationships. With the number of opportunities available for roofers at IRE and the network of industry professionals, the trip is more than worth it.”

Thank you to all the roofers we spoke to at IRE 2020 for providing us with such great insights and conversation. It was a fruitful conference, and we love working to help make your lives better! We hope to see more roofers at IRE and other trade shows in the future.

IRE 2020

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