Interview: The CRM Roofing Solution That Helped Cayne Roofing Arkansas Start Strong

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Starting a new roofing business can be an incredibly daunting prospect. The roofing industry keeps growing every year, and new businesses have to figure out how to keep up with the competition while learning the ropes of the industry and establishing a customer base. But with the CRM roofing solution, contractors can get their new businesses off to a strong start and avoid common pitfalls.

Dave Bellomy is a new roofing business owner—his company, Cayne Roofing Arkansas, was founded this year. He’s been using AccuLynx to manage his business right from the beginning. And according to him, it’s made all the difference in helping him hit the ground running. In this interview, he discusses how our CRM roofing solution has given him the tools to establish his new business, match up to the competition, and start turning a profit.

The Right CRM Roofing Solution for a New Roofing Business

How has AccuLynx helped you establish yourself as a new roofing company?

“AccuLynx made it possible for me to create robust processes for my roofing company using a single system. I don’t have to worry about how to accurately estimate a job, or about forgetting something—it’s all in AccuLynx. I can train other sales guys and project managers to follow our process. If I didn’t have AccuLynx, that would be one more thing that I would have to find a good way to do. Being a new business owner represents a lot of risk, because you don’t know what’s going to work. Having AccuLynx helps me reduce that risk because it’s a proven technology.

AccuLynx also helped me present my company in the best light to potential customers. The email templates in AccuLynx help me brand my company and provide some legitimacy to my communication with customers and vendors. I care a lot about my image to my customer, so rather than just shooting an email from my personal account, it is so much easier and better from an image standpoint to send it through AccuLynx.”

how a CRM Roofing Solution helps new companies

AccuLynx was designed to help streamline and standardize the way that roofing contractors work. With everything you need to manage roofing jobs from initial lead to final invoice, AccuLynx makes it simple to keep all your work in a single location so it’s easy to bring new people on board. Rather than having to reinvent the wheel in order to complete day-to-day business tasks, contractors who use AccuLynx can take advantage of processes already set up in the system to help them work more efficiently.

Using a standardized CRM roofing solution to manage your roofing business also gives you a way to maintain a professional image and deliver strong customer service. From email templates to automated messaging to two-way texting capabilities, the features in AccuLynx help contractors communicate consistently and build great relationships with their customers.

What impact has AccuLynx had on your profitability?

“AccuLynx allows me to handle more transactions sooner than I otherwise would be able to do, without having to hire more people. I believe that I can, without a doubt, support extensive revenue growth without having to bring on another employee, and that would not be possible without AccuLynx. Because AccuLynx is making it possible for me to handle more jobs at one time, it’s a great investment, and it’s having a big impact on my profitability.”

Read: How Roofing Software Can Help Grow Small to Medium Businesses

AccuLynx is packed with features to help you take on more work. From the production calendar that lets you schedule crews in real time to the job files that keep your information in a single, easily accessible location to the digital templates that make it easier to create estimates and contracts, our software is designed to increase your efficiency and productivity. Using a CRM roofing solution like AccuLynx saves valuable time and makes it possible for roofing businesses to scale without compromising quality.

What are some of your favorite features in AccuLynx?

“I just love the templates for estimates and how easy it is to do the estimating in AccuLynx. All I have to do is order an aerial measurement report from EagleView or QuickMeasure straight through the software, automatically populate the estimate with the measurements, do a little fine-tuning, and then it’s ready. It’s a game-changer for me not to have to spend a tremendous amount of time on estimating.

I also really like the integration with QuickBooks. I’m able to put all my expenses in QuickBooks and associate it with the correct job in AccuLynx. The reporting in AccuLynx when paired with QuickBooks gives me all the information I need to calculate commissions and other compensation. It’s got the level of detail I need, so I can be completely transparent with everyone on my team.”

Using Eagleview with CRM Roofing Solution

AccuLynx integrates with many of the tools that roofing contractors use every day, from accounting systems like QuickBooks to aerial measurement reports like SkyMeasure and EagleView. These integrations provide seamless business management and simplify routine tasks like estimating or bookkeeping. Using AccuLynx as your CRM roofing solution brings together every aspect of your roofing business, helping you save time and keep everything organized so you can focus on growing your business.

Why would you recommend AccuLynx to other contractors?

“AccuLynx gives you one place to put everything that happens in your company. The fact that AccuLynx is so tailor-made for roofing contractors, by people who obviously understand the business, means that it’s easy to learn and doesn’t require a whole bunch of extra work that you wouldn’t already be doing. The benefits that you get from doing everything in AccuLynx are going to save you tons of time and money in the future.”

Read: Getting the Most ROI Out of Roofing Software

The CRM Roofing Solution Trusted by Thousands of Contractors

Dave Bellomy is just one of many contractors who have benefited from using AccuLynx to manage their roofing businesses. To hear more stories about how our CRM roofing solution has helped them succeed, watch this video.

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