Your 2022 Roofing Contractor Business Plan: Where to Start

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A new year brings new goals and new challenges. Whether you are looking to grow your business or increase your profits, having a well-thought-out business plan at the start of the new year is essential to set up your roofing business for future success. But with so many different areas within your company, it might feel impossible to know where to start.

Here are three specific areas to focus on when establishing your 2022 roofing contractor business plan and some ways that roofing software like AccuLynx can make the process easier.

Roofing Contractor Business Plan Tip #1: Using Reports to Make Projections

Reflecting on your business performance from the past year can help you plan for the next. Whether you want to know how many jobs you’ve completed, how long it took for jobs to go through the pipeline, or even the types and quantities of materials you’ve used, looking at reports can help you gain perspective from your last year and help prepare you for the new one. Further, reporting helps identify growth opportunities and areas that need improvement, so that you can target those issues in the new year.

When thinking about your 2022 roofing business plan, utilizing the ReportsPlus feature in AccuLynx can help you make projections and set goals without creating more work for you or your team. ReportsPlus contains over 20 different customizable pre-built reports that can help you and your team track results and understand what is happening within your business over time. For example, by looking at the Roofing Materials Report from 2021, you can identify how much you spent on your jobs the last year and the number of materials each job required. This information can help you gauge your material needs and cost for the upcoming year, especially since you may have spent more in 2021 due to rising material costs and supply shortages, and help you grow your profit margins by making sure you are charging the correct amount per job.

Roofing Contractor Business Plan Tip #2: Finding Creative Ways to Fill Your Sales Pipeline

To start your year off on the right foot, finding new ways to fill your sales pipeline can help generate revenue right off the bat. Even though January isn’t the best time to get up on roofs, it can be an excellent time to have the sales team call up potential clients and begin to set up jobs for the spring.

One way to start finding leads for the spring is with marketing. There are many ways to market your business, from creating a website to cold calling and reaching out to potential customers through email, that can help bring in more business. Maybe try something new to bring in customers this year, such as offering a referral program or making your business more visible on social media. Think about establishing a content plan for your business’s social media accounts and start sharing relevant information, such as customer testimonials or information on the importance of keeping their gutters clean. By investing in this marketing now and getting your business in front of potential customs early, you lay the groundwork for roofing repairs once the weather clears up.

With AccuLynx, you can easily keep track of leads coming from your website so you never miss an opportunity. Our new web to lead form lets you seamlessly transfer website leads into AccuLynx so that those leads can be given to the right team members to follow up on. All conversations between potential customers and salespeople are logged and tracked so that you and your team can easily view where a job is within the pipeline and how it is progressing. It’s also easy to track other marketing sources, like social media, and marketing spend through reporting within AccuLynx so you can keep track of where leads are coming from and how much you are spending on different marketing strategies.

Roofing Contractor Business Plan Tip #3: Build in Time to Train Your Employees

If one of your 2022 business goals is to grow your company; hiring and training new employees should be part of your 2022 roofing contractor business plan. Adding new staff is essential for growth because it allows your business to take on even more work than in previous years. The off-season is a great time to make sure all your new hires are trained on your processes and expectations so that once the season begins, your whole team can hit the ground running.

Ensuring that new hires are trained on all the tools you use to manage your business, including your CRM system, is also essential to becoming successful later in the season. AccuLynx provides US-based support teams and customer success managers for free to help train all team members to use the system efficiently and make the most of the software.

AccuLynx can help execute your 2022 roofing business plan

Meet your business goals this new year with the #1 roofing software. From generating and organizing leads to training your employees, AccuLynx provides all the resources and features you need to be successful. Get a custom demo and see how AccuLynx can help your business get a jump start on a successful 2022.

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