How Roofing Contractor Apps Help You Spend Less Time Onsite

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish all of your goals for your roofing business. If you had a few extra hours or even an extra day, you could sell more jobs, put together a killer business strategy, or expand your business into new areas.
While there’s no way to add more hours to a day or days to a week, there are many tools that can help roofers reduce time spent on repetitive and administrative tasks so you have extra hours to spend on other aspects of your business. One way to find this extra time is to start using roofing contractor apps to help you manage your business.

AccuLynx has developed a dedicated field sales app and a crew app, enabling you to save time commuting between locations. Here are a few ways that roofing contractor apps can help you spend less time on-site—so you can spend more time on other things.

Three Phones with the AccuLynx contractor app.

Improve selling capabilities

Have you ever had to spend valuable time taking notes or filling in information after talking to a prospect or customer? Maybe all your files are on paper, so you have to fill in a form by hand to make sure you can give your prospect the correct estimate. Maybe you have a system that only works on a desktop computer, so you have to wait until you’re back in the office to take note of what you talked to your customer about. You might also be struggling with the time it takes to put together estimates and contracts. Not only does this eat into your valuable time, but it also adds extra steps to the estimating and approval process, requiring you to visit the prospect multiple times before you can start work.
In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is the key to success. Roofing contractor apps like the AccuLynx mobile Field App eliminate the need to constantly return to the office or the job site, saving you valuable time and boosting overall efficiency. Here are some features that make this app a game-changer:

  • Seamless task management: Creating new leads, job contacts, appointments, and tasks becomes a breeze. Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and hello to a streamlined, digital workflow.
  • Effortless note-taking: After meeting with a customer, you can easily add detailed notes directly within the app. No more worrying about forgetting essential details or spending precious time later trying to recall important conversations.
  • Simplified roof measurements: Accurate roof measurements are crucial for any project. The Field App allows you to capture measurements manually or conveniently request reports from trusted sources like EagleView and GAF QuickMeasure, allowing you to create accurate estimates faster.
  • Organized job schedules and calendar management: Accessing and managing job schedules has never been easier. See job schedules, manage calendar appointments, and share information with the Customer Portal all within the Field App.

Improve communication with customers

Roofing contractor apps streamline communication between contractors and homeowners in a number of ways, which can help to reduce the need for additional site visits. Here are some features designed to help bridge the communication divide between yourself and the homeowner:

  • Messaging: Contractors can send and receive messages directly to homeowners using apps. This functionality enables them to discuss project details, address inquiries, and obtain necessary approvals without the need for physical meetings.
  • Photo Sharing: The app allows contractors to effortlessly share project photos with homeowners. By visually showcasing the damage or proposed changes, homeowners gain a clearer understanding of the scope of work required. This eliminates the need for contractors to revisit the property solely for capturing additional images.
  • Task Management: Contractors can create and monitor project tasks within the app. This feature enables homeowners to track the progress of the project, ensuring transparency and providing insights into how the work is advancing. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and delays.
  • Document Upload: Contractors can upload essential documents, such as contracts and permits, via the app. This feature streamlines the exchange of important paperwork, eliminating the need for physical handling or mailing. Homeowners can conveniently access and review the documents, maintaining a clear record of project agreements.

By streamlining communications in this way, roofing contractor apps like the AccuLynx Field App can help to reduce the need for additional site visits. This can save time and money for both contractors and homeowners.

One of AccuLynx's contractor apps, the Mobile Crew App.

Keeping your crews connected

In addition to communicating with homeowners, keeping the lines of communication open between subcontractors, crews and the rest of your roofing business is essential to make sure work is completed efficiently and smoothly. Sometimes, the difficulty of passing along instructions to crews creates a slowdown of work, requiring multiple visits to the job site, or a decrease in customer satisfaction. Making it easy for crews to access important information about the job goes a long way toward delivering quality, timely work.

AccuLynx has developed a mobile Crew App to help roofing businesses stay connected to subcontractors and crews. This contractor app facilitates various tasks, including:

  • Providing crews with timely updates on crucial job information
  • Maintaining consistent communication with crews regarding the work
  • Assigning tasks and checklists to streamline operations
  • Receiving prompt notifications when tasks are accomplished

Crews can also get directions to the job site, communicate in English and Spanish, and share photos of how work is progressing.

All communication with the mobile Crew App is stored in AccuLynx, so it’s easily accessible and can be referred back to if needed. This reduces the potential for error and gives crews the most up-to-date information, so you don’t need to be onsite for the entirety of an install, and they won’t need to return to the job site over and over again to complete the work. The better the communication between crews and the rest of the team, the more efficiently work can be completed.

Save time with roofing contractor apps

You can get some time back in your day with the use of AccuLynx roofing contractor apps to streamline your work. Creating documents on your phone, getting mobile signatures, and staying connected to crews frees up valuable time and makes it possible for you to spend less time on the job site. Book a demo to see AccuLynx’s contractor apps in action.

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