Dos and Don’ts for Insurance Restoration Roofers During Storm Season

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Storm season can be the busiest time of the year for insurance restoration roofers. Storm after storm rolls by and jobs pour in faster than your company can handle, leading to a chaotic whirlwind of stress and confusion.

Rest assured – AccuLynx has the dos and don’ts to help you dodge disasters and stay on top even while the storms thunder on.

Don’t – Let Your Company Be Disorganized

Disorganization is the fastest way to cause problems for your company during high volume times. With so much new business, the corresponding paperwork, schedules and material orders are too important to misplace. When your paperwork is a mess, the chances of making a mistake can skyrocket. Missing documentation could result in inaccurate material orders, a job done incorrectly, or lack of instructions for the crew – all which reflect poorly on your roofing business.

When these mistakes occur, taking the time to correct them directly effects your efficiency, and you run the risk of reaching your capacity long before you should.

Do – Up Your Efficiency Levels

Upping your efficiency by maximizing the productivity of your workflows can help you better manage the many jobs you take on during the storm season. By reducing the time spent on each step of the job, your team has the flexibility to take on more projects.

One of the simplest ways to improve efficiency is to swap out pen and paper for newer technology platforms built to help roofers manage the day to day processes of running their business.

  • Programs like SmartDocs by AccuLynx allow you to ditch those easy to lose or damage paper contracts for digital templates, eliminating the need to fill out information several times across documentation.
  • Other helpful programs like legally binding eSignatures can be used to send contracts securely over an email, or directly from a mobile phone or tablet, further reducing the time spent on paperwork.
  • Using a program like QuickBooks eliminates double data entry between your accounting and business management software.
  • Ordering aerial measurements for your estimates can save you an entire day’s worth of work, manually measuring each roof. Not only do you save time taking these measurements, but when providers like EagleView integrate with your CRM, all of those measurements automatically populate into your database, removing the need to enter in information into your estimates.

Don’t – Forget to Stress the Importance of Communication

Communication between teams is everything during the storm season. The high number of jobs, tasks, and even people around your company means that everyone must be on the same page. Having the same tasks performed twice, or worse, not at all is completely avoidable when you have efficient lines of communication.

  • Emphasize the importance of communication and proper documentation to all of your staff to ensure that they understand its importance.
  • Train your teams on how your company communicates to ensure that everyone understands their role in the process.
  • Have centralized communication repositories in each job file, through company activity feeds, or even internal messaging apps.



5 Tips for Successful Communication Between Your Teams and Staff

Communication frustrations can impact your business. Try implementing these 5 tips to improve the communication between you and your coworkers.


Do – Set Clear Expectations for All Teams

Part of having good communication is setting clear expectations. Make sure each person in your company understands what they are supposed to be doing and feels comfortable asking for clarification. Being clear also ensures the quality of work is up to your company’s standards, which can be easy to let slip when you have a lot of jobs going on at once.

Setting these expectations ahead of your busy season is an easy and efficient way to ensure that production runs smoothly.

Don’t – Wait for the Storms to Start Before Getting Organized

One of the biggest mistakes roofers make is waiting for the storm season to roll around before taking any action. Do not do this! The “dos” on this page are easier to implement when you are not in the middle of a chaotic season.

During slower times, it’s important to evaluate what has challenged your business in the past, implement more efficient processes, upgrade your technology and train your employees, so that when the busy season hits, you’re not scrambling to get up to speed.

Do – Set Up Processes and Plan Ahead

Being prepared really is the best way to handle the storm season. As long as you have taken all the proper steps ahead of time, the busy season should go off without a hitch and your company can benefit from all the profits without the extra stress.

  • Set up plans of action for different possible storm season scenarios so that you know how to handle them if, and when, they do pop up.
  • Make sure you have reliable suppliers and partner companies in place.
  • Hire reputable crews and staff a foreman on each job to ensure quality standards are being met.
  • Invest in technology to help your business grow before the season starts so you can get everyone trained in time.

Don’t – Let the Chaos Show

The fatal flaw of the storm season is letting the chaos show to your customers. Employees that are stressed out can rush through projects, skip steps in your process and provide poor customer service. If you are unable to keep the turmoil veiled to customers, potential clients can be deterred from a business that seems like it cannot handle the jobs it already has.

Likewise, current customers will not come back for future jobs or provide referrals for roofing companies that don’t have a firm grasp on a project the first time. Not letting the chaos show does not mean ignore or suppress it – it simply means providing processes, and outlets for potential problems before they become noticeable to outsiders.

Do – Stay Calm and Collect on Your Profitability

If you have followed all the “dos” in this article and avoided all the “don’ts”, then you have no reason to stress during the storm season. You have turned disorganization into efficiency, resolved miscommunications into clear expectations, prepared ahead of time for storms to arrive, and covered up the chaos that is boiling right below the surface. With all these things in order, the storm season will seem like a breeze, so stay calm, settle in, and get ready for job after job and the profits that go with them.

AccuLynx is the most powerful tool for your roofing business. Simple to use software, industry-leading tools and the best customer support — AccuLynx makes it easy to grow faster than your competition. 

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