4 AccuLynx Software Features to Simplify Roofing Job Communication

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Consistent communication throughout a roofing job is essential to keep everyone on the same page, including office staff, crew members, and homeowners. However, the time it takes to manually set up emails, drive out to job sites to receive updates on job progress, or play phone tag with customers can disrupt your day and decrease your overall productivity.

CRM communication tools can help you more effectively keep in touch with your teams and homeowners throughout every stage of a job. With a software system like AccuLynx, you can access real-time data, automatically update your crews, and take your customer service to the next level with consistent communication and visibility. Here are four CRM communication tools in AccuLynx that can help you keep your crews and customers informed.

AccuLynx communication tools

1. Organize communication with the AccuLynx Job File

It can be difficult to keep tabs on everything happening within your business if you don’t have a way to easily stay organized. With the AccuLynx job file, you can keep all the information about an individual job, from communication to job estimates and material orders, in one area for better visibility and easier access.

Within the Acculynx Job File, there is one tool that specifically helps you keep track of communication — the messaging tab. In the messaging tab, you can see all the communication that happens concerning the job, such as with the homeowner or in between office staff and the crew. This helps provide more visibility into what is happening so that you can stay aware of what is happening and when.

2. Streamline texts and emails with the Automation Manager

While the content of your messages may change, each of your homeowners is likely receiving the same types of communication from your business, such as appointment reminders or confirmation texts. By setting up automated texts or emails in AccuLynx, you can save time on sending these messages and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

The Automation Manager in AccuLynx allows you to set up texts or emails that will go out once a specific trigger is met, such as when an appointment is scheduled, a job moves from prospect to approved, or a material order is filled. Once a job meets one of the triggers, an email or text you crafted will go out to the appropriate party. This feature helps keep everyone in the loop without creating more responsibility for your team.

Using CRM Communication tools on job site.

3. Increase communication on-site with the mobile Crew App

Consistent communication between the crews and the office is essential, but always having someone drive out to a job site can cost time and money better spent elsewhere. With AccuLynx’s mobile Crew App, it is easy to keep the line of communication between the office and crews open at all times.

The mobile Crew App is full of features to help keep crews informed about how they need to perform a job. Crews can view their job assignments, access work orders, get directions to the job site, share photos, and communicate with the office from their mobile device. You can also provide a checklist for your crews which not only provides detailed instructions for your crews but provides you with updates once they check something off. And our translation feature ensures that Spanish-speaking crews will see your communications in their own language.

4. Provide excellent customer service with the roofing Customer Portal

Keeping your customers informed throughout a job is just as important as staying in touch with your crews. By efficiently communicating with your customers, you can provide the best possible customer service and get ahead of potential issues before they arise.

With the AccuLynx Customer Portal, you can send your customers a secure web link with a unique login once the job is approved, where they can access their customer portal. This portal contains all the necessary information a homeowner would want to know about their job in one location, such as essential documents, details, and contact information for team members. Further, the Customer Portal automatically updates once a change is made in AccuLynx, saving you time communicating with customers when updates occur. Homeowners can access their portal 24/7, easily communicate with their company reps, and even make payments without leaving the site.

Keep everyone informed with CRM communication tools in AccuLynx

CRM Communication is the key to growing and maintaining a successful business. By having a strong communication strategy in place, you will always know what is happening and can get on top of problems before they occur. AccuLynx roofing software helps you communicate more effectively without creating extra work for you or your team. See how AccuLynx can help your business communicate better with a custom demo.

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