Product Update: Introducing @Me on the Web App

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Sending and receiving messages within the AccuLynx Platform is a great way to stay up to date on everything that requires your attention throughout the day. In response to changing technology and better optimization, we are introducing a new feature to the menu bar on our Web App: @Me, which should be familiar to users of our mobile apps.

What is @Me?

@Me is like your personal activity feed, collecting everything that has been sent to your attention in one place where you can review and respond to it. Events reported in the @Me section can be dismissed one by one, providing you more control over what notifications you have read.

What’s New:

In the upper right hand corner of your Dashboard, you can see a number of icons – the new @ME Icon will be accessible here, from almost every screen.


Clicking on this icon will drop down a list of all items that require your attention or action. You can dismiss these items one at a time by clicking on the Trashcan Icon, or you can click the Dismiss All Items at the top of the list.

The @Me list is a live feed, so if anyone sends you a notification while you are logged in, you will see that number change istantly on your feed.



What Appears in the @Me Feed:

Notifications in the @Me feed can include:

  • Lead assigned / reassigned to you
  • Lead distributed to you (Managers)
  • Milestone changes on your assigned jobs
  • Smart(er)Doc packet completed / rejected
  • Job measurement order statuses
  • Task assignments

If you have any questions on how @Me works, please feel free to contact our AccuLynx Support Team at or (608) 473 – 3800

AccuLynx is the most powerful tool for your roofing business. With simple to use software, industry leading tools, connections to suppliers you trust and the best customer support — AccuLynx makes it easy to grow faster than your competition.

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