AppConnections by AccuLynx

AccuLynx and Zapier integration

Pass data between AccuLynx and your third-party apps using Zapier. This integration lets you automate tasks with custom workflows to ensure you always have the most accurate, real-time information in AccuLynx.

AccuLynx integrates with Zapier

Simplify your workflows with AccuLynx + Zapier

With just a few clicks, you can instantly import leads into AccuLynx or share AccuLynx job milestones with other software applications. Available to AccuLynx customers through the AppConnections add-on, the Zapier connection can be set up quickly and with no coding required.

How the AccuLynx and Zapier integration works

Orange checkmark - Feature Included AccuLynx generates a custom API key that is used for your automated workflows in Zapier.
Orange checkmark - Feature Included This key allows you to update an AccuLynx job milestone in your connected application.
Orange checkmark - Feature Included You can also create a new lead record in AccuLynx from a third-party application.
An icon of a hand holding a clock.

Save time

Automate data transfers between AccuLynx and your other applications.

Streamline operations

Ensure that information is always up to date across all your applications.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you must enable the AppConnections add-on in order to connect Zapier to your AccuLynx account. To enable AppConnections, log in to your AccuLynx account, go to the Market dropdown in the main menu, click “Add-Ons,” find “AppConnections by AccuLynx,” and select “Enable.”

Once AppConnections has been enabled, select the Zapier connection and click “Get Connected.” You will be prompted to provide your Zapier account login credentials to finish authorizing the connection.

To complete the set-up, you will need to log into your Zapier account, go to “My Apps,” and follow the steps to successfully finish activating the connection.

Once you have successfully enabled the connection in AccuLynx, log in to your Zapier account and follow these step-by-step instructions to create a new “Zap.”

AccuLynx lets you generate unlimited Zapier API keys, making it easy to connect with over 6,000 applications. These connections allow you to transfer contact information or data endpoints from third-party apps directly into AccuLynx. Some examples include:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Address
  • Job address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Job information

AccuLynx provides a full list of Zapier endpoints for your team to reference. Visit Zapier’s AccuLynx integration page to explore available app connections.

Every 1-15 minutes, depending on your Zapier account plan level.

When creating a new API key in AccuLynx, you’ll be prompted to name it and set a Lead Source. You can create a new Lead Source, such as “Facebook Leads,” or select an existing one like “Social Media.” This Lead Source will appear on any new leads from the connected application.

Want to see how AccuLynx’s integration
with Zapier works?

Get a demo of this connection and other features in AccuLynx.