How Salespeople Can Benefit From Roofing Field Apps by AccuLynx

What Salespeople Need to Know About Roofing Field Apps


Salespeople can especially benefit from using roofing field apps as they work. If you’re not reaching as many potential customers as you would like, it’s hard to communicate with the rest of the team when you’re in the field, or it’s taking a long time to make a sale, it might be time to adopt a roofing app.

How to Help Your Crew Adopt a Roofing App


One of the most difficult parts of new technology adoption is getting the rest of your team on board. Whenever businesses use a technology for the first time, it can be challenging to get buy-in from the entire team. In particular, getting your crews to use a new app often takes time.

Pros and Cons of Solar Roofing Technology

Pros and Cons of Solar Roofing Technology

Solar roofing technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many homeowners and business owners choosing to install solar panels or solar tiles to their roof in lieu of more traditional roofing. But, is solar roofing technology really worth it? Here are some of the pros and cons of solar roofing technology.